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Earth Festival-Bird Friendly Homes

  • Milford Central School 42 W. Main Street Milford United States (map)

Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society (DOAS) announces a series of workshops to support Bird-Friendly Homes throughout their Chapter Region. The workshops will focus on helping homeowners make Acopian BirdSavers window treatments for up to three windows in their homes (for free while funding lasts) in order to reduce bird-window collisions at homes throughout our communities.

Homeowners in our communities are invited to attend one of the area workshops where they can learn more and make/take home Acopian BirdSaver window treatments for up to three windows at their residences to help prevent collisions. Pre-registration is required so that ample materials can be available.


April 16

Get the Kids Out-Mohican Farm

April 26

Earth Festival and Drive-Through-Drop-Off Recycling