Happy Recycling!
Here at OCCA, we are beginning to plan for the April Drive Through, Drop Off recycling event. The recycling committee has already posted a preliminary list of what we will accept on our main page. Last year, we helped remove over 10,000 pounds of hard-to-recycle items from the waste stream.
Many of you save items all year for this event in the nooks and crannies of your homes, as recycling toothbrushes or printer cartridges used to be much more difficult. OCCA is happy to offer this community outreach event, and we love seeing how excited you are to recycle! The good news is that you can recycle year-round on your own, which means you can have your garage or basement back!
A growing list of companies offers free and low-cost recycling services to all consumers. Most send free shipping labels and some even provide the packaging (think K-cups for coffee). If you need help figuring out where to start, check out Terra Cycle, Staples, Best Buy, or Oral B.
Holiday Recycling Image borrowed from Otsego County Solid Waste. Lots of good advice here!